The Supported Village

A Moment for Me (Monthly Circle)
with Lauren Giancristofaro

November 1 (Friday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
105 minutes

In the midst of caring for everyone else, it's easy to forget that you matter too. Taking these precious micro-moments is not a luxury, but a necessity. 

A Moment for Me is an evening where we come together in circle as a held community, and reflect on a different theme each month. Our circle is a sanctuary for personal growth, collective wisdom, and heartfelt connection. 

The evening is woven with grounding exercises, reflective practices, and opportunities for shared wisdom - not only for the purpose of deepening our awareness, but so we have tangible tools to invite into the month that add to our overall mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. 

This experience is a place for meaningful conversation where each voice is heard, and each story is valued. We celebrate the strength, resilience, and unique experience of everyone. This is about resourcing ourselves with tools that will encourage us to move with the flux of life in an empowered way.

As a trauma-sensitive Facilitator, my intention is to create a space where you feel held, and leave you with opportunities to lean into the most expansive, energised, and authentic version of who you already are. This is not about fixing anything because you are not broken, this is about giving ourselves space to connect to our truth - that which already exists. 


Taking time for yourself is a beautiful act of self-love. It’s a chance to refill your cup so you can continue to pour into others from a place of abundance. Trusting someone else to guide you through these practices relieves you of the mental load, and gives you the opportunity to truly surrender. Even if it's just for a few minutes, these moments are yours. 

What to bring: 

Nibbles and refreshments will be provided, as well as The Supported Village cushions and throws. 

You may also like to bring along: 

- Water bottle

- A cosy throw

- Your favourite journal and pen to document your reflections

- Any props you may need to get comfortable for our grounding exercise (bolster/ cushion etc) 

- An open heart to receive this evening however it lands 


A Moment for Me (Monthly Circle) (Ticket)

Class Price


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